Why Not Watch Your Digital Photos On Your HDTV!

Why Not Watch Your Digital Photos On Your HDTV!
By Jonathan G. Michel

A vast number of people do not realize how enjoyable watching digital photos on an HDTV can be, instead of being all cramped up in front of a computer screen. In the 60s and 70s and even the 80s, it was a family affair to watch super 8 movies from a projector on to a roll down screen. I was an amateur photographer and was big with slide shows from my ski trips, golf trips, and everything else I could shoot.

But times have changed and we're in the age of digital. But the one thing that hasn't changed and in fact, more popular today than it ever was, is photography. The reason being, is that more people can afford it, more people travel than ever before, and taking digital pictures is easy, afforadable, and possible with all sorts of wireless gadgets.

But the best viewing alternative is without a doubt your HDTV. Most digicams comes with a cable designed for you to connect painlessly to your HDTV. You'll find a port on your camera, and your cable will usually have a red, a white, and a yellow connector to plug into your TV. If you don't remember what the colors are for, and you hate reading instruction manuals, yellow is for video, the red and the white is for the left and right audio. My 9 year old son is usually my connector guy, since he's the XBox expert.

You could also find an S-Video cable, which is exclusively video. You know, the circle connector with small 'shark' like teeth lining the inside. You can also buy docking stations for your camera. In this case, you simply connect the docking station to your TV's input jacks and when you dock your camera, your photos are instantly displayed on your HDTV. Wow!

There's another way you can display your digital photos on your TV, and this is through your DVD player. My 17 year old daughter made a beautiful digital photo display for me on father's day, which included an amazing array of songs that I liked, with a timeline in so many seconds for each photo and song. She then burn it on a CD or DVD. She did this with the already installed software in WindowsXP (movie maker). It's totally awesome to watch this on TV.

Last but not least, maybe you saw a slot on the side, back, or front of your TV and still haven't figured out what it is, because you haven't had the time to completely read the manual. Surprise, its a memory card slot! Just pop out the memory card from your digital camera and inset it in the slot on your TV. The only thing you need to be concerned about is compatability. It's always a good idea to stick to the same manufaturers and check what supports what.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JonathanG.Michel