Understanding Great HDTV and HD Movies Content

Understanding Great HDTV and HD Movies Content
By Jonathan G. Michel

You finally got the bug and went out and bought a sleek widescreen HDTV. You got turned on by the jaw-dropping clarity at the store and the promise that you'd get that same thrill at home, only to discover that for some reason the picture is not the same.

You've certainly seen the commercial where a customer calls the store to complain that he's or she is not getting the sound expected, and by the time the customer service guy reaches the door, the windows shatter from the blast of the sound. Something to do with the connections. Well the same applies to HDTV.

In order to view an HDTV image on your screen, you must make sure that your cables are properly connected. In standard definition programming, I'm sure you've noticed that the cable connectors (also known as S-Video cable) are red, yellow, and white.

High Definition programming uses cables with connectors that are red, blue, and green, or DVI cable, or the premium choice HDMI, which offers the highest quality video and audio information or data between your receiver and TV. But that's not all.

The programming must also be in high definition, which means that you need to subscribe for HDTV programming through or from your local cable company or satellite TV provider. Normally, you'll rent the receiver box capable of accepting HDTV signals and usually will pay a little more for High Definition channels.

However, you can also receive Free over-the-air HDTV signals depending if your TV has a built-in ATSC tuner. Check the specs, and if it does, all you need is an antenna from your local store.

Did you consider a Blu-Ray? Since you're ready to invest in an HDTV, capable of displaying up to 1080 lines of resolution, you really cannot do without blue-violet laser technology rather than red laser technology. Simply put, the two combined will deliver true HD video clarity, better sound, and interactive media.

For the kids and adults too, let's not forget the games and home movies. Your HDTV was not just made for TV, movies and sports entertainment. Have you forgotten video games and home movies. Most have no idea how a video game with surround sound and special effects can feel.The Xbox for one delivers HD content with 1080i and multi-channel surround sound. It's totally awesome!

High-definition gaming was born with Microsoft's Xbox 360, and if you want to take advantage of everything HD gaming has to offer, you have no other choice but to own a television with a native minimum resolution of 720p or 1080i. You'll get a more detailed picture in widescreen format.

What's the Blu-Ray you ask? It is to me the ultimate in wireless audio systems, manufactured by Sony. It isn't cheap but what's the point of being quality on one end and non-quality on the other end.

The important thing to remember in all of this as you make your choices for different equipment, is to keep in mind that, connectivity wise they must be compatible to each other. Example; there's no point in trying to connect HD equipment to non-HD equipment.

In all electronics technology, you're only cheating yourself if you're not making use of all the advantages that any equipment has to offer. After all, that's why you paid the big money for, so why not use it. You'll then appreciate your piece much, much more, and won't feel so bad about the money.

Learn more about High Definition options and systems to suit your needs. Discover the importance of compatibility between HD components. The importance of an HD audio system, HD receiver and DVD player, HDTV and more. Copyright 2006www.homefunsystems.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JonathanG.Michel