Dish Network Goes the Extra Mile with HDTV Receivers

Dish Network Goes the Extra Mile with HDTV Receivers
By Julia Hall

As a home entertainment enthusiast you probably know that there are a lot of advantages to having high definition television in your home, but there are so many complications to getting high def programming in your home that they may seem insurmountable. For example, not only do you have to get a high definition television set and have it properly installed and calibrated, but you also need the high definition programming to go with it in order to get the most out of it. And if you have high definition television programming, that means that you also need a special receiver to go with it.

As you read this you may be thinking that you understand that you need a high definition television set and you need to have it properly calibrated. You may also understand why you need special high definition television programming, but you may be wondering why you need a special receiver in order to decode it. There are actually several reasons why you need a special receiver to decode high definition television programming. The first is that just about all television transmissions that you'll get from any television service provider are encrypted to prevent unscrupulous people from intercepting them and stealing them. This is true with both satellite TV and cable TV. Therefore you need a receiver to decode the programming. Another reason that you need a receiver is that high definition television has a much higher resolution picture than standard definition television and a much wider aspect ratio screen than standard definition television. Both of these features make high definition television much more data intensive than standard definition television.

More data means taking up more bandwidth and since all television service providers have some kind of a limit on the bandwidth that they have available in order to send programming, high definition television is compressed using MPEG-4 data compression technology so that more high definition channels and standard definition channels can be packed into the same mount of bandwidth. Standard definition television programming is also compressed, but it's mostly compressed using the less sophisticated and less compact MPEG-2 data compression format. Therefore high definition television receivers have to be able to handle programming compressed using the MPEG-4 technique as well as the MPEG-2 compression format. Another reason why you need a special high definition television receiver in order to watch high def programming is because standard definition television receivers only handle programming in 480i and maybe 480p resolutions, while high definition television comes in 720p and 1080i resolutions. That means that a high def receiver has to be able to handle all four resolutions while a standard definition receiver has to be able to handle all four.

The good news for you is that if you sign up for a high definition television programming package from Dish Network, Dish Network will take care of all of these issues for you. It does this by providing a high definition television satellite receiver free with your subscription. It will even take into account your individual situation when making the decision about which one of two high def satellite receivers to send to you. You'll either get the basic model ViP211 or the digital video recording enabled ViP622 DVR. In either case Dish Network will even go the extra mile to install the unit for you in your home entertainment center.

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