Dish Network HDTV VOOM HDTV Comcast HDTV Your Answers to All

Dish Network HDTV, VOOM HDTV, Comcast HDTV - Your Answers to All
By Mike Lazier

What is HDTV?

HDTV stands for High Definition Television. It is fully digitalized. The major differences that differentiates HDTV from other standard TV are
An increase in picture resolution
16:9 widescreen as standard
And ability to support multi-channel audio( Dolby Digital)

The unique quality of HDTV is that it has greater resolution. HDTV broadcasts in one of the two formats; 720p and 1080i. The number refers to the number of lines that are used to display picture and the letters mean whether the signal is progressive scan, p, or interlaced, i. The 16:9 widescreen helps deliver the picture properly. The pictures are not panned or scanned during transmission and you can view them with integrated 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound.


VOOM HD Networks was developed by Rainbow Media. When the company saw the dawn of loss it was picked by EchoStar, the parent company of Dish Network. VOOM HD networks have the largest retinue of high-definition channels from which 10 were taken and were added to HDTV packages as an extra option. By 2006, when Dish networks convert their receivers from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4, Dish would add another 11 high-definition VOOM channels. VOOM broadcasts in 1080i, utilizing 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound. This package as whole offers 1700hours of HDTV every week.

Comcast HDTV

Comcast HDTV is the high definition service focused on broadband cable, commerce and content. Its contents include HBO, ESPN, Starz, Showtime, TNT, and Discovery. Depending upon the TV, Comcast will supply you either HDTV set-top box or an HDTV CableCard. With this cablecard you can watch encrypted cable HDTV with a CableCard slot. CableCard doesnt allow an access to features like interactive TV, pay-per-view and on demand.

Requirements for HDTV

To receive HDTV broadcast you need either a TV with a built-in HDTV tuner, a HDTV receiver and cable HDTV or satellite HDTV receiver like Dish Network HDTV.

Dish HD Programming

Dish Network HD Programming includes top 29 channels with 200 hours of programs per day.

Sport channels: It includes ESPNHD, ESPN2Hd, HDNet, HDNFL, TNT, World sport and rush hd.


Entertainment channels: Discovery HD, Animania, HGTV, RAVE HD, TNT, GAMEPLAY HD, Family Room, universal HD, National geographic channel.

News and Variety: GALLERY HD, HDNews, HDNet, TreasureHD, ULTRAHD.

Mike Lazier is a senior editor and an expert panelist with - one of the leading Authorized Dish Network Web Retailers.

Detailed information on Dish network package pricing is just a click away.

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What is HDTV?

What is HDTV?
By Kamal Kannan

High Definition Television is an international digital TV standard aired in 16:9 format (4:3 for normal TVs) and in Dolby Digital surround sound.Viewers get clear contoured shows with vibrant colors and a wider depth-of-field compared to normal systems.HDTV has up to five times the number of pixels on standard PALs used now.In America and Japan,films and series are aired via HDTV offered by Pay-TV stations.

What kind equipment is needed?The rule is digital data transfer.You won't be able to capture HDTV signals with the old antenna perched at the top of your roof.At first,HDTV signals were aired through satellite,but now it can also be done thourgh cable.It's yet to be determined whether HDTV can be recieved through a DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting).It might not work as transfer signals of HDTV are fairly complex for DVB-T to handle.

When was HDTV born?In the early Nineties,HDTV was suggested as TV standard in Europe under the project D2-MAC.However,the proposal failed as data transfer then was still analog.Equipment like recievers and display systems weren't ready as well.The first TV station in Europe to air a HDTV program in full was HD1( ) in belguim.The station started on January 1,2004 under the name Euro 1080 and broadcasted through the Astra satellite.

Can HDTV be recieved only through satellite?Analog equipment cannot be used.A HDTV display should support the 16:9 format and a resolution up to 1,280 x 720 pixels.To avoid purchasing wrong displays,look for the HD ready sticker which guarantees compatibility.Also,a HDTV reciever (approx 400 Euro) is required.If you're not HDTV ready,you may still watch PAL shows which are broadcasted parallel to HDTV by TV stations.

720p or 1080i,which is better?On PAL,resolution are at 576 (vertical) x 720 (horizontal) rows.Currently,for HDTV,two general resolutions are used - the 720 x 1,280 and 1,080 x 1,920.There are ongoing debates as to which one is better of the two but no conclusion has been drawn yet.So the probable format is still up to market selection.On PAL,HDTV 1080i is broadcasted in half-pictures whereas 720p is in the full picture format.720p exudes a soothing image,but 1080i has a better and clearer resolution.

When to migrate?There's no doubt that HDTV would be replacing PAL.It's only a matter of time before that happens.Prices are now still steep with equipment costing up to thousands of dollars just for a standard display and reciever.However,manufacturers are introducing newer models by the month,therefore providing consumers with more competitive prices.If you only watch news or game shows on TV,then migrating to HDTV might not be feasible,but if you're a movie or sports fan,then HDTV is the way to go.

Why haven't many TV stations adopted HDTV?Not many own a HDTV setup.Besides that,many station are wary due to higher cost involved,especially for producing their own programs in HDTV.Also,production equipment like high-end video cameras etc would be a necessity.Face makeup needs to be near-prefect as every little wrinkle would be visible.It's estimated that each HDTV airing would incur an extra 25 percent cost.However,experts say that most of Europe will be airing their programmes in HDTV format by the year 2008.

Can HDTV films be recorded?The film industry is trying to equip all HDTV format files with HDCP copy protection.This way,HDTV programmes can only be watched and not recorded.However,this restraint has already been penetrated by a Korean-made minibox called DVIHDCP.It changes the protected signal into VGA format hence allowing it to be copied.In truth,the minibox was not designed specifically to hijack the copy-protection plan,but was instead used to display HDTV through a beamer/projector.

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How to Buy a LCD TV with HDTV

How to Buy a LCD TV with HDTV
By Linda Harrison

If this doesn't get you excited, then nothing will. LCD TVs have become all the rage and there is nothing better than a big screen TV. And when you couple LCD TV with HD TV, look out. An amazing physical display combined with a fantastic output. This is what is happening in LCD TV technology today.

If you are like most people looking to replace your TV, youve probably been paying close attention to High Definition Television sets (HD-TV). Unlike the previous generation of TV, which used analog signals to transmit information, HD-TVs use digital signals to transmit a signal and receive and display information directly on the television set. The HD-TVs also use a High-Resolution digital television set and Dolby Digital surround sound. The combination of the two creates incredible pictures and sounds the best available on the market to date. HD-TV television offers viewers a level of detail they haven't seen before: including a resolution about five times higher than that of analog TV.

The main thing to remember when you are shopping for HD-TV set is that just because a television is digital it does not mean it is necessarily HD-TV compatible. There are two levels below the HD level (standard definition TV and enhanced definition TV), both of which are vastly better than analog televisions but still of considerably lower quality than an LCD TV- HD-TV set. Since the FCC has mandated that all television sets eventually switch from analog to digital, you should know the differences between the different types of digital TVs.

Here are some tips. When looking to purchase an HD-TV, remember to compare the difference in picture resolution, audio features, and pixels. HD-TV requires a minimum of 720 horizontal scanning lines (enhanced definition TV, while considerably higher than standard definition TV, only features a minimum of 480 scanning lines) and the resolution on an HD-TV is 1920 x 1080 compared to enhanced definition TV, which only has a resolution of 1280 x 780.

When you experience a HD-TV image and then compare it to other TVs' technology on the market, the difference will be clear. With HD everything looks and sounds far more realistic than on any other type of system. We think that once you see a big screen LCD TV with HD-TV, the choice will be clear.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when looking for a HD LCD TV. In fact, many of the most important tips haven't been mentioned here. Learn about LCD TVs before making a purchase.

Lind Harrison is author of Buy A LCD TV. Read your copy at

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High Speed Winds and High Speed HDTV Signals Do Not Mix on Motor Homes

High Speed Winds and High Speed HDTV Signals Do Not Mix on Motor Homes
By Lance Winslow

Well it is finally here HDTV by satellite for your Motor Home. And yet what if you are out in the Wyoming Plains, California Desert, Texas Gulf Coast or North Dakota? Perhaps this is why there are wind generators there? We all know these areas are high-wind areas nearly all-year around. Well Satellite TV antennas, specially new HDTV motor home antennas simply have a tough time with all this.

Indeed high-speed winds do make things tough, but consider the brand new HDTV Satellite Systems and Antennas by MotoSat. The new antenna is ultra-cool the T2 Automotion and it is small and completely enclosed. Only about 12 inches in height and 20 inches diameter and the antenna is encased in a mini-Super Dome. Kind of looks like a Wind Tunnel tested UAV flying saucer and Like other self-tracking systems, you simply press a button and it find your HDTV Satellite and bingo; there you are.

Another thing to consider when choosing a Motor Home HDTV antenna is not only the high winds, but what about all this high-heat? Well this little baby is tested for 131 degrees and if it is that hot you will not find me anywhere near there. In Motion HDTV is finally here; it figures MotoSat would have it first. Sure is nice looking on top of the motor home I tell ya!

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

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Dish Network HDTV

Dish Network HDTV
By Julia Hall

If you are not familiar with HDTV (high definition television) you probably will be soon. Already widespread in the U.S, Australia and Japan, it is becoming easier to find a variety of programs in HD format. Three main differences separate HDTV from regular TV: increased picture resolution, multi-channel audio, and a standard 16:9 widescreen aspect ration. Each of these differences contribute to what people describe as incredible sound and picture quality. With HDTV you receive about 6 times sharper of a picture than a standard broadcast, making viewing more lifelike with more detail and truer color. High definition is defined in part by the number of lines of resolution on your TV screen. The higher the number of lines, the more detail is available in the picture. Standard definition television typically contains about 480 lines of resolution, while HDTV can contain 1080 lines. Just as important, with regular TV every other resolution line is scanned continually to form the picture. HDTV, however, presents the picture all at once. These two facts combine to create the crisp, clear picture HDTV is known for.

Another difference between HDTV and regular TV is the aspect ratio. This number refers to the shape of the screen, with the standard 4:3 referring to the squarish shape observed in most TVs. High definition programming is broadcast in a 16:9 aspect ratio, which creates its characteristic wide-screen appearance. With a larger aspect ratio, you can observe more of the filming field and therefore see more of what is happening. This difference makes viewing an HDTV program similar to sitting in a theater.

The final difference in an HDTV system is the sound quality. All HDTV is broadcast is Dolby Digital Standard with some programs in stereo and others in surround sound. Surround sound combines multiple speakers in front of the viewer and behind plus a subwoofer to make the person feel as if they were part of the action.

DISH Network offers both the equipment and programming necessary to play HDTV programs on your HD-ready television. In order to view programs in HD format, you will need a special HD receiver. DISH Network offers 2 choices. The ViP211 HD receiver can be used for 1 television and supports both HD and standard DISH Network programming. It also can be used with Dolby Digital Surround Sound. For 1 or 2 TVs, the ViP622 DVR combines a HD receiver and digital video recorder. Like the ViP211, it can be used with both standard and HD programming and supports Surround Sound.

Once the HD receiver is connected to your television, you can start receiving programming. HDTV programming has increased greatly in the past year as companies have seen how popular the technology is becoming. Currently DISH Network offers 4 package levels for HD customers. Each level contains about 25 high definitions channels, plus a variety of standard channels. The Platinum package level also includes Showtime, Starz, and HBO in HD format. HDTV local channels are available in some areas for an additional charge.

The popularity of HDTV has brought down its cost to a reasonable level. DISH Network has packages that include HDTV for less than $50 each month. It is likely that more channels will be available in HDTV in the coming months and that the prices will be soon be comparable to that of standard definition programming. Overall, HDTV offers such superior quality over regular programming that, even with a small extra charge for the service, it is a good value.

J. Hall writes articles for consumers who want to find the best Dish Network offers currently available. She has written for many major publications about the latest satellite TV deals and promotions and how buyers can find the best discounts.

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Dish Network Has HDTV Programming To Go With Your Home Theater

Dish Network Has HDTV Programming To Go With Your Home Theater
By Julia Hall

HDTV, which is shorthand for High Definition Television, offers a lot of benefits to the TV enthusiasts everywhere, but one of the most attractive things that it can provide is a cheap way to construct a home theater. This is especially true because High Def technology provides a lot of technological alternatives that will provide a lot of different possibilities for creating a home theater in a variety of homes. For example, a Plasma screen display may be the screen of choice in a darkened basement. For the home theater that will be set up in a bright living room or that the owner wants to integrate with his or her home computer system, an LCD screen might be the display of choice. For the person who wants a massive screen, a Digital Light Processing (DLP) projector may be the way to go because it can project a screen that is measured in feet instead of inches. The DLP projector is also a good choice for anyone who wants their home theater to double as their living room and doesn't want equipment messing up the decor. That's because the projector is easily hidden and the screen can be the same type of pull down screen used in old fashioned slide shows.

Of course if you're going to use high definition television in order to construct your home theater you're going to need high definition television programming in order to get the most out of it. That's because high definition television is a completely separate television format from normal television, and as such, it needs special programming that meets the standards of high definition.

Of course since Dish Network is a leader in television in many other ways, it's no wonder that it can provide you with high definition television programming as well as the special satellite receiver equipment necessary to view it. In fact, Dish Network is the leader in the television service provider industry in general when it comes to high definition television programming. Dish Network has four high definition television programming packages including the Bronze Level High Definition Entertainment Package which comes with twenty five high def channels (already more than the maximum offered by competitors!) and eighty normal channels. The next one up, the Silver Level High Definition Television Entertainment Package, has the same twenty five high def channels, but the number of normal channels provided goes up to two hundred. The Gold Level High Definition Entertainment Package has a full twenty six HDTV channels and a whopping two hundred and forty normal ones. The Platinum Level High Definition Television Entertainment Package has the same two hundred and forty normal channels, but the number of high def channels goes up to thirty. If you want more HDTV channels, any local high definition channels that are available in your area can be added to any of the programming packages for a mere five bucks a month.

The channels themselves cover a wide variety of subjects including science and educational programming, sports, movies, documentaries, music, video gaming, and more. All of this proves that Dish Network has what you need to enjoy the home theater of your dreams.

J. Hall writes articles for consumers who want to find the best Dish Network offers currently available. She has written for many major publications about the latest Dish Network Deals and promotions and how buyers can find the best discounts.

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Which is better? EDTV vs HDTV

Which is better? EDTV vs HDTV
By Bradley James

With all the new digital formats out there, it is of little surprise that there exists considerable confusion about EDTV and HDTV. First of all, EDTV stands for Enhanced Definition Television, while HDTV stands for High Definition Television. TVs equipped with either of these formats are capable of receiving and potraying images in a digital fashion - both of which are superior in visual quality to the standard TV (SDTV).

Which is better, EDTV, or HDTV?

This is a question that comes up quite often, and it really has a simple answer: HDTV is better. However, EDTV wasn't really made to be a competitor for HDTV, but rather a transition technology that was better than standard, but not all the way High Definition, as HDTV is. And although Enhanced Definition Television (EDTV) doesn't quite offer the oustanding life-like quality attributed to High Definition Television (HDTV), its picture is actually closer to HDTV than regular television. HDTV has an impressive 720 progressive scanning (1280x720 pixels) or 1080 interlaced (1920x1090 pixels) lines. Thus, it easily meets the requirement of high definition broadcasts. EDTV, on the other hand, displays pictures at 480 progressive scan (640x480 pixels), which is the the highest resolution available on DVD. In fact, EDTV is considered optimized for the DVD format. However, this puts a severe limit on EDTV, which is simply not able to display higher resolution HD content.

Our recommendation is that, when purchasing a new TV, you consider getting one that is HD-ready. It is likely that all broadcasts will transition over to true HDTV format within the next decade or so. Be advised, however, that you will need to purchase an external set-top box with an ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) tuner in order to receive digital HDTV programming. Many cable and satellite providers, if they provide HDTV content, may offer this tuner for free. One final note, you may want to consider buying a LCD TV, as most are HDTV ready, and do the best job of displaying those beautiful HD images.

Bradley James is a senior editor at, a website containing many helpful consumer electronics review articles. For more information on EDTV and HDTV TV technology, please visit our EDTV vs HDTV TV webpage.

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Dish Network Goes the Extra Mile with HDTV Receivers

Dish Network Goes the Extra Mile with HDTV Receivers
By Julia Hall

As a home entertainment enthusiast you probably know that there are a lot of advantages to having high definition television in your home, but there are so many complications to getting high def programming in your home that they may seem insurmountable. For example, not only do you have to get a high definition television set and have it properly installed and calibrated, but you also need the high definition programming to go with it in order to get the most out of it. And if you have high definition television programming, that means that you also need a special receiver to go with it.

As you read this you may be thinking that you understand that you need a high definition television set and you need to have it properly calibrated. You may also understand why you need special high definition television programming, but you may be wondering why you need a special receiver in order to decode it. There are actually several reasons why you need a special receiver to decode high definition television programming. The first is that just about all television transmissions that you'll get from any television service provider are encrypted to prevent unscrupulous people from intercepting them and stealing them. This is true with both satellite TV and cable TV. Therefore you need a receiver to decode the programming. Another reason that you need a receiver is that high definition television has a much higher resolution picture than standard definition television and a much wider aspect ratio screen than standard definition television. Both of these features make high definition television much more data intensive than standard definition television.

More data means taking up more bandwidth and since all television service providers have some kind of a limit on the bandwidth that they have available in order to send programming, high definition television is compressed using MPEG-4 data compression technology so that more high definition channels and standard definition channels can be packed into the same mount of bandwidth. Standard definition television programming is also compressed, but it's mostly compressed using the less sophisticated and less compact MPEG-2 data compression format. Therefore high definition television receivers have to be able to handle programming compressed using the MPEG-4 technique as well as the MPEG-2 compression format. Another reason why you need a special high definition television receiver in order to watch high def programming is because standard definition television receivers only handle programming in 480i and maybe 480p resolutions, while high definition television comes in 720p and 1080i resolutions. That means that a high def receiver has to be able to handle all four resolutions while a standard definition receiver has to be able to handle all four.

The good news for you is that if you sign up for a high definition television programming package from Dish Network, Dish Network will take care of all of these issues for you. It does this by providing a high definition television satellite receiver free with your subscription. It will even take into account your individual situation when making the decision about which one of two high def satellite receivers to send to you. You'll either get the basic model ViP211 or the digital video recording enabled ViP622 DVR. In either case Dish Network will even go the extra mile to install the unit for you in your home entertainment center.

You will find only the best Dish Network Deals in J. Hall's articles. Check back frequently for new submissions from Hall about Dish Network TV and how you can find the best Dish Network Promotions for your home and family.

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DirecTV Dish Network and Comcast Who Has The Best HDTV Services?

DirecTV, Dish Network, and Comcast - Who Has The Best HDTV Services?
By Teddy Lc.

As U.S. living standards are climbing high and higher, the requirement on better TV entertainment follows. Without doubt TV picture quality is one of the most highly concerned issues. The statement is well proven as we are seeing that high definition television (HDTV) popped up the hottest home electronics appliances for the past two years.

Whats the difference of HDTV and normal TV?

The technical answer is greater TV picture resolution. HDTV pictures are showed with up to 1080 lines of detail; while normal TV takes about 480 in total. In general, we can expect that the HDTV picture quality is about 10 times clearer and more life-alike than the conventional TVs.

So how fast have the paid TV services catch up on such consumer trends in United States? Well, you probably already cleared that both satellite and cable TV had stepped into the high definition world and offering various TV programming in HD quality. The money question is...

Who has the best HDTV service?

With the much trumpeted DirecTV HD system, rumors said that DirecTV can support up to 150 HD channels on each customers. This, however, has yet to be proven as the number of DirecTV HD channels released is quite limited.

Comcast, on the other hand, covers pretty much HD channels with their cable TV service. For instant, their HD channels include major networks ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, ESPN HD, HBO HD, Showtime HD, Cinemax HD, Discovery HD, TNT HD, as well as tons of on demand HD movies.

So, how about Dish Network?

Although Dish Network came late in the paid TV business, they so far have the most HD channels offered nation wide in the past. Whats even better is that on July 11, Dish Network just launched another eight Regional Sports Networks (RSNs) with high definition (HD) and planned to launch seven new national HD channels in August and September. The HD RSN channels include Fox Sports Network Arizona (Ch. 365), Fox Sports Network Northwest (Ch. 376), Fox Sports Network Cincinnati (Ch. 377), Fox Sports Network Pittsburgh (Ch. 378), Fox Sports Network Detroit (Ch. 380), SportsTime Ohio (Ch. 381), Fox Sports Network North (Ch. 386), and SportsNet New York (DISH Network Ch. 388).

Wrapping things up

With this, I believe that Dish has the best at current time. This, of course, is subject to their rivals who are always eager to gain back their position in the business.

Need help in ordering your DirecTV or Dish Network deals? Learn more at Satellite TV Issue - the one stop unbias guide for satellite shoppers.

Need help in ordering your DirecTV or Dish Network deals? Learn more at Satellite TV Issue - the one stop unbias guide for satellite shoppers.

Article by Teddy

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Dishnet HDTV Is The Best Example Of Dish Network's Flexibility

Dishnet HDTV Is The Best Example Of Dish Network's Flexibility
By Julia Hall

High definition technology is expanding rapidly as HDTV-ready televisions fall in price and more households replace older TV's with those capable of accepting High Definition (HD) programming. Dish Network acknowledges the change in way televisions are watched and has created an impressive line-up of HDTV programming and receiver options. This ability to quickly and easily adapt to changing market conditions has enabled Dish Network to climb in rank to be one of the world's top satellite television providers. Customers are impressed with Dishnetworks selection of television technology and programming, and with the award-winning service. Already, many millions of households have chosen Dish Network as their satellite provider, and the number is growing rapidly. Because technology changes and improves so quickly, it is important to choose a provider that is able to easily make the necessary adaptations to bring the new advances to you.

Dishnet HDTV is perhaps the best example of Dish Network's flexibility. While Directv, Comcast, Charter Communications, Time Warner, CableVison and many other cable companies are still struggling to get their HDTV selection off the ground, Dish Network offers an impressive assortment of programming options. Already, you can choose from over 29 HD channels that air programming 24-7. That means, if you are so inclined, you can continuously watch high definition programming and never have to watch standard television again. The variety of DishTV channels is equally as impressive as the number and includes sports channels like ESPN, Rush, and NFL Network; art channels like Gallery HD, Treasure, and Ultra; educational programming like Discovery, National Geographic, and Equator; and movies like Universal, HBO, Starz, Showtime, and FilmFest. Of course, there are too many channels to list here, but you will find the ones left out equally appealing. These channels are offered in four separate programming packages that also include an exciting variety of standard definition programming.

Dishnetwork also offers the best of technologies that can be used with either standard or HD television formats. The Dish Network DVR (Digital Video Recorder) is a prime example because it is a technology that has been needed for a long time. Designed to replace and improve dramatically on the VCR, Dishnetworks DVR makes it much easier to record programming and also allows you to store 100-200 hours of your favorite shows on the hard drive. Unlike a VCR, the DVR can record and playback programming in the same digital format that the shows are originally aired in, which preserves the original picture quality. But the DVR's amazing features don't stop there, because DVRs can also make your live television viewing easier by letting you pause, rewind, replay, and skip segments of the program. And, Dish Network offers a full array of other viewing conveniences like parental controls, on-screen caller ID, and interactive television.

When it comes to choosing a programming package, it would be hard to improve on Dishnetworks selection. The most popular packages, the America's Top Entertainment packages, bring all the nation's favorite channels to your screen. Whether you want the 60 channel version, the full 180 channels, or the moderate 120, you will get an incredible level of entertainment for the money. And, Dishnetworks offers other options like the giant America's Everything Pak, the small but sweet DishFamily, and four Dish Latino options. Seasonal sports subscriptions, pay-per-view entertainment, international programming, A La Carte Channels, and premium movies round out the selection. All of this is available in the privacy of your own home.

Overall, Dish Network Satellite offers a very impressive assortment of the latest equipment and most programming choices. To make the switch to satellite television even easier, Dish Network Satellite Television offers plenty of helpful advice through its website and customer service representatives, as well as offers that give you even more value for your entertainment dollar. iDishNetwork, a top online authorized Dishnetworks retailer offers phenomenal help in getting your order started. Start now!

You will find only the best Dish Network deals in J. Hall's articles. Check back frequently for new submissions from Hall about Satellite TV and how you can find the best Dish Network Promotions for your home and family.

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Cable TV Can't Compete With Dish Network's HDTV Service

Cable TV Can't Compete With Dish Network's HDTV Service
By Julia Hall

As cable bills have continued to rise and cable companies have had trouble keeping up with current technology, many cable subscribers are changing over to satellite TV. These people are making the right choice. Dish Network, as the fastest growing satellite TV company with a subscriber base of over 12 million, provides its customers with the most programming options and best equipment at very low prices. Cable TV is struggling to keep up with technologies like digital transmissions and HDTV because it is limited by low-bandwidth underground cables. These cables need to be replaced with higher volume ones at a very high cost to cable subscribers. Dishnetwork, however, relies on geosynchronously orbiting satellites that relay signals through airwaves back to individual satellite dishes. These signals are not limited in bandwidth the way cables are, so DishTV is able to offer advanced services to all its customers. This means you get more options and better service when you sign up with Dishnetwork.

When you start looking at Dish Network's service, you will be amazed by the number of channels you can subscribe to. There are over 800 options with all sorts of specialty programming like international channels and sports networks. Even Dish Network's smallest package includes 40 great channels like Animal Planet, C-Span, and TV Land- all for a cost less that buying 2 pizzas a month! Dish Network's America's Top 120 is a great combination of a large amount of programming with a very low cost. This package offers plenty of entertaining and informative channels like HGTV, MTV, CNN, Disney, and Food Network, plus lots of audio music and SIRIUS radio channels. For the ultimate programming in standard definition, America's Everything Pak gives 180 of the nation's favorite channels plus the HBO, Starz, Showtime, and Cinemax premium movie packages. Of course, if you want extra programming, Dish Network offers plenty of choices. From sports to movies, you can add additional channels to make your package more to your liking. And Dish-on-Demand is available if you want to watch the latest releases without running out to the video store. DishTV also offers all you local channels, so you don't have to give up on local news and programming just because you switch to satellite TV.

While all of Dishnetwork's programming is in 100% digital format, you may want to upgrade to even better picture quality with a HDTV package. All you need, in addition to your HD television set, is a HD receiver and one of Dishnetwork's HD programming packages. When you sign up for HD programming through Dish Network , you not only get a great selection of 29 HD channels, but you also receive between 80 and 200 standard definition channels. This ensures you get the most options and best programming, even if some of your favorite shows are not yet offered in HDTV.

Along with Dishnetwork's great programming and high quality broadcasts, you can take advantage of the best television technology currently available. All receivers offer great features like interactive TV, electronic program guides and parental locks. Plus, you can choose a receiver with a built-in DVR, which will take the hassle out of recording your preferred programs. In fact, a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) not only records and stores any chosen program, but it will let you pause, rewind, and replay your live television programming too! Now that is convenience. And if you choose a receiver with two tuners, you can independently operate two televisions without needing a separate receiver.

If you want to replace your cable service- or other satellite service- with a company that offers an incredible level of programming, convenient technology and great quality, you will love the service that Dishnetwork offers. Plus, if you switch now, you will not only receive your installation and equipment free, but you may qualify for special rebates and rewards. Switch to the best. Start now.

J. Hall writes articles for consumers who want to find the best Dish Network offers currently available. She has written for many major publications about the latest satellite TV deals and promotions and how buyers can find the best discounts.

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Understanding Great HDTV and HD Movies Content

Understanding Great HDTV and HD Movies Content
By Jonathan G. Michel

You finally got the bug and went out and bought a sleek widescreen HDTV. You got turned on by the jaw-dropping clarity at the store and the promise that you'd get that same thrill at home, only to discover that for some reason the picture is not the same.

You've certainly seen the commercial where a customer calls the store to complain that he's or she is not getting the sound expected, and by the time the customer service guy reaches the door, the windows shatter from the blast of the sound. Something to do with the connections. Well the same applies to HDTV.

In order to view an HDTV image on your screen, you must make sure that your cables are properly connected. In standard definition programming, I'm sure you've noticed that the cable connectors (also known as S-Video cable) are red, yellow, and white.

High Definition programming uses cables with connectors that are red, blue, and green, or DVI cable, or the premium choice HDMI, which offers the highest quality video and audio information or data between your receiver and TV. But that's not all.

The programming must also be in high definition, which means that you need to subscribe for HDTV programming through or from your local cable company or satellite TV provider. Normally, you'll rent the receiver box capable of accepting HDTV signals and usually will pay a little more for High Definition channels.

However, you can also receive Free over-the-air HDTV signals depending if your TV has a built-in ATSC tuner. Check the specs, and if it does, all you need is an antenna from your local store.

Did you consider a Blu-Ray? Since you're ready to invest in an HDTV, capable of displaying up to 1080 lines of resolution, you really cannot do without blue-violet laser technology rather than red laser technology. Simply put, the two combined will deliver true HD video clarity, better sound, and interactive media.

For the kids and adults too, let's not forget the games and home movies. Your HDTV was not just made for TV, movies and sports entertainment. Have you forgotten video games and home movies. Most have no idea how a video game with surround sound and special effects can feel.The Xbox for one delivers HD content with 1080i and multi-channel surround sound. It's totally awesome!

High-definition gaming was born with Microsoft's Xbox 360, and if you want to take advantage of everything HD gaming has to offer, you have no other choice but to own a television with a native minimum resolution of 720p or 1080i. You'll get a more detailed picture in widescreen format.

What's the Blu-Ray you ask? It is to me the ultimate in wireless audio systems, manufactured by Sony. It isn't cheap but what's the point of being quality on one end and non-quality on the other end.

The important thing to remember in all of this as you make your choices for different equipment, is to keep in mind that, connectivity wise they must be compatible to each other. Example; there's no point in trying to connect HD equipment to non-HD equipment.

In all electronics technology, you're only cheating yourself if you're not making use of all the advantages that any equipment has to offer. After all, that's why you paid the big money for, so why not use it. You'll then appreciate your piece much, much more, and won't feel so bad about the money.

Learn more about High Definition options and systems to suit your needs. Discover the importance of compatibility between HD components. The importance of an HD audio system, HD receiver and DVD player, HDTV and more. Copyright

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Why Not Watch Your Digital Photos On Your HDTV!

Why Not Watch Your Digital Photos On Your HDTV!
By Jonathan G. Michel

A vast number of people do not realize how enjoyable watching digital photos on an HDTV can be, instead of being all cramped up in front of a computer screen. In the 60s and 70s and even the 80s, it was a family affair to watch super 8 movies from a projector on to a roll down screen. I was an amateur photographer and was big with slide shows from my ski trips, golf trips, and everything else I could shoot.

But times have changed and we're in the age of digital. But the one thing that hasn't changed and in fact, more popular today than it ever was, is photography. The reason being, is that more people can afford it, more people travel than ever before, and taking digital pictures is easy, afforadable, and possible with all sorts of wireless gadgets.

But the best viewing alternative is without a doubt your HDTV. Most digicams comes with a cable designed for you to connect painlessly to your HDTV. You'll find a port on your camera, and your cable will usually have a red, a white, and a yellow connector to plug into your TV. If you don't remember what the colors are for, and you hate reading instruction manuals, yellow is for video, the red and the white is for the left and right audio. My 9 year old son is usually my connector guy, since he's the XBox expert.

You could also find an S-Video cable, which is exclusively video. You know, the circle connector with small 'shark' like teeth lining the inside. You can also buy docking stations for your camera. In this case, you simply connect the docking station to your TV's input jacks and when you dock your camera, your photos are instantly displayed on your HDTV. Wow!

There's another way you can display your digital photos on your TV, and this is through your DVD player. My 17 year old daughter made a beautiful digital photo display for me on father's day, which included an amazing array of songs that I liked, with a timeline in so many seconds for each photo and song. She then burn it on a CD or DVD. She did this with the already installed software in WindowsXP (movie maker). It's totally awesome to watch this on TV.

Last but not least, maybe you saw a slot on the side, back, or front of your TV and still haven't figured out what it is, because you haven't had the time to completely read the manual. Surprise, its a memory card slot! Just pop out the memory card from your digital camera and inset it in the slot on your TV. The only thing you need to be concerned about is compatability. It's always a good idea to stick to the same manufaturers and check what supports what.


When it comes to great home family entertainment, there's nothing better than being fully equipped just like a fine luxury car. Learn everything you need to know at

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All about HDTV

All about HDTV
By Chris Vorelli

The HDTV has become increasingly popular since its introduction. There are many well-known electronic manufacturers that have designed many models of the HD style TV. There are multiple sizes, styles and colors that can be attributed to a HD television. Likewise, there are various price tags found on the HD television. With so many choices and decisions ahead of you, dont feel overwhelmed; there are many great resources to help make your search as quick and painless as possible.

HDTV has been around since the mid 1960s. In Japan, the first model of the HDTV was created. The innovative electronic geniuses of the United States were quick to follow and the race to perfecting the high definition technology was off to the races around the mid 1990s.

Basically, the term HD refers to the quality of the broadcast signal that is sent through the television set. The high definition signal represents images that are as crystal clear and lifelike as possible. When you watch a program via the HDTV, you will quickly understand why it is becoming the favorite method of watching TV! The HD signal is digital in nature and provides viewers a 16:9 wide screen format, the same as used in movie theaters. The incredible, lifelike images displayed through HD televisions are unbelievable! You can literally feel like you at the racetrack or on the football field! If you are watching a concert, you will have a front row seat to the magical madness, too!

Many of the leading television manufacturers make at least one model of the HD television set, including: Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Hitachi, RCA, JVC, Mitsubishi, Pioneer and Magnavox. There are multiple sizes of the HDTV available, from as small as 13 inches to as large as 85 inches!

3 types to choose from

There are three different formats that offer the HD technology, including: CRT (paints the image onto the screen. This style is perfect in any lighting condition and from every angle.), LCD (uses 2 different polarized, transparent panels to house a liquid in the middle.) and the Plasma (digital images at a high resolution are created.). Be sure to do a little research to find the format that you will prefer.

Rear-projection CRT televisions are older technology. CRT TV's use three separate cathode ray tubes to create red, green, and blue and the TV combines the three beams before magnifying and projecting the image. The image quality isn't as good as Plasma or LCD technology.

Flat-Panel LCD TVs (liquid crystal display) technology are designed to create sharp, bright images in any lighting condition. LCD flat screen TV models work by shining light through pixel cells, with each cell containing a red, green, and blue component.

Plasma TVs are the thinnest of all types of high definition televisions. You can find a huge range of widths, from 36, right up to 72 inches that offer amazing color accuracy and saturation.

The 2 different types of HDTV

There are two types of hdtv systems, ones that are HDTV-ready and other systems that have an integrated system. HDTV-ready is the definition for a television that is capable high definition programming with the installation of a receiver or tuner. An integrated system is a television with a built in HDTV receiver enabling you to watch programming right out of the box.

If you are not sure as to which brand, size or format you prefer, there are many resources that you can access to make the decision a little easier. Other consumers, that have made a purchase of an HDTV, have written HDTV reviews on their TV of choice. These reviews are unbiased in that some may be favorable and other may not. One thing you can count on is that these reviews are not biased; everyday consumers, like yourself, write them. No one likes to spend their hard earned money on a product that they would have never given a second glance, had they been forewarned. Well, with reviews and ratings from other consumers, you will have a heads up!

When you are in the market for a great new TV, the HDTV is a perfect choice! There are many sizes, styles, formats and prices available. You should have absolutely no problem finding the perfect one for your home or business. If you demand only the best in your life, the HD style TV will fit right in!

Chris Vorelli is a successful writer with info on HDTV reviews & PlasmaTV reviews.Get info on Sony plasma TV, Pioneer Plasma TV and Panasonic plasma TV models.

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A Look at Sonys HDTV Product Line

A Look at Sonys HDTV Product Line
By Jill Kane

In the field of HDTV products, Sony has made an impressive mark in the market. The first product was launched in 2006 and since then Sony has evolved dramatically in its range. Some of the significant changes were the launching of more products rather than only plasma HDTV and re-branding of the LCD sets to Bravia. The range evolution and improved quality processes has helped the company to gain a reputable name in the market and cover their small misfortunes in the HDTV campaigning.

The re-branding and changes in the HDTV product line up is an effort to overcome the general market reviews of the Sony's products - their high prices and not too good reliability in the HDTV product range. The newly launched products and improvised versions of HDTV surely is an indication of problem-solution achievability.

Sony offers a broad range of LCD sets which ranges from the smallest, 26 Bravia XBR KDL-V26XBR1 to the largest 46 KDL-46S2000. The largest set provides an impressive 1366 x 768 resolution and Sony's proprietary Bravia Engine video processor. This set may have comparable features with those of its contemporaries but the price tag of $3,500 makes it a loser in the market.

The product specifications boast of excellent picture quality with good blacks and vivid color reproduction. But practical experience suggests a slight calibration in the set to achieve the optimum indicated levels. For instance, the 720p reproduction in the 40 KDL-V40XBR1 projects a much sharper image, yet the proper color balance is difficult to achieve normally. The KDL-V40XBR1 model also offers a Digital Cable Ready feature with a cable card called DCR and a Quadrature Amplitude Modulation - QAM tuner which is an alternative to the separate, external cable box. This is an excellent add-on but the only thing to be noted is that not all features like the 'on-demand' etc. are always supported and the cards compatibility with all cable companies offerings should be checked with the local area's cable service provider.

Although the picture and sound quality of the LCD are not at the level of the plasma HDTVs, LCDs still offer comparably good viewing angles and are known to perform quite well under varying lighting conditions. Like all brands and most models, the Sony LCD sets are equipped with multiple in-built tuners. These tuners provide reception for over-the-air HDTV broadcasts (e.g. ATSC or Advanced Television Systems Committee).

You can also change the aspect ratio from the HDTV standard 16:9 to that of standard TVs that is, 4:3. Before applying this feature, a preview of how it is done should be ascertained. The cropping by black bars on the screen might be fine with some, but some users find stretching the image displeasing and unacceptable.

The sets come with two component video ports and only one HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) connector in place of the usual two. These connectors are essential for delivering quality images even using standard DVDs on an HDTV set. There is also a USB port and a memory stick slot for connecting a source of digital video and photos to be displayed on the large panel.

For more information on HDTVs and Sony HDTVs visit the HDTV Guide at

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50 Inch Daewoo Plasma HDTV Reviewed

50 Inch Daewoo Plasma HDTV Reviewed
By John Lloyd

The Daewoo plasma hdtv is definitely a fantasy for alot of people, especially the Daewoo model DP-50SM because it is equipped with an advanced huge 50 inch screen. This Daewoo plasma hdtv provides numerous benefits to the observer, clarity and sharpness are two of many.

To begin with, this Daewoo HDTV provides a 160 degree angle. Now if your watching from a distant side angle away from the Daewoo plasma you can still view the screen. For a clear picture this Daewoo plasma hdtv DP-50SM has 720 pixels, along with a 16:9 big screen picture, that simply makes it 50 inches wide.

There are many advantages to choosing the DP-50SM 50 inch Daewoo plasma tv such as a HiFi stereo sound audio system, five band equalizer control, digital 3D comb filter, plus 11 different languages to choose from for the OSM screen.

The Daewoo model is protected from allowing images to become burned into the plasma, because of its built-in plasma screen protection. An alarm is offered if you like your Daewoo to awaken you each day. You can easily buy this Daewoo plasma hdtv and experience all the benefits of this model today and enjoy them for yourself.

About The Author
John Lloyd makes it quick and easy to find the top plasma TV's by going to Plus check out this review.

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Will DirecTV HDTV be Revolutionary?

Will DirecTV HDTV be Revolutionary?
By James Croydon

When we speak of transmission of pure digital television, we mainly talk about its reception and display of the signals. These signals come to us through the broadcasting over air or by transmission through the satellite system or cable system in our houses. There is a class of Direct TV that is getting a lot of name at present which is called DirecTV HDTV. When we combine a digital TV of high resolution with a Dolby surround sound (AC-3), we get a DirecTV HDTV. To have a stunning image, this combination has been made.

A new production and transmission equipment at the DirecTV HDTV station and even a new equipment for reception for DirecTV HDTV is required by the consumer. The strongest selling point for DirecTV HDTV is the higher resolution picture. After media's perfect show up about DirecTV HDTV, the DirecTV HDTV has reached to all the electronic stores. The higher resolution which produces crystal clarity, as never seen before through picture tube, gives us a life like picture and digital sound. A usual TV gives us an effective picture resolution of about 210,000 pixels whereas in the highest resolution DirecTV HDTV format, each picture contains 2 million pixels. This nearly gives us ten times more detailed picture. The basic aim behind DirecTV HDTV is not to increase the definition per unit area but it is rather that the visual field percentage contained by the image should be increased. The proposal about all DirecTV HDTV was first submitted by General Instrument Corporation on May 31, 1990

By December 1990 ATRC also launched the same followed by Zenith and AT&T and the MIT. At present Japan is the only country which broadcasts DirecTV HDTV services to the viewers. The number of converters and receivers sold to the customers has reached to 100,000 and 30,000 respectively. The possibility of starting a digital satellite HDTV service in Japan has been eliminated by the establishment of the analog broadcast service, DirecTV HDTV. Right now, many stations do not broadcast HDTV program.

Slowly, the current analog TV can be either replaced or a new set-top box can be purchased for converting the digital signal. While purchasing any TV receivers we should first ensure that the new receiver has all the input jacks that match the connectors on the VCR, cable boxed DVD player etc.

We should always go in for a composite, S-video and component video as a minimum set of analog jacks so we can use our existing analog equipment with a new set.

James Croydon, Satellite Installation Engineer and Direct TV com advisor - focusing on DirecTV com and DirecTV Search

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