A Few Things Worth Knowing About The HDTV Tuner

As everyone knows for a fact, today HDTV or high definition television has taken over from DTV or digital television and is the latest in television technology thus requiring programs to be in widescreen format so that you can view the high resolution pictures as well as listen to surround sound and thus get superior ambience and a more theater-like experience right there in your home, which is what HDTV is all about. So, if you have a HDTV at home and need to receive as well as output HDTV signals, you just cannot do so without first having a HDTV tuner.

Receives Signals As ATSC And Converts To HDTV Signals

A HDTV tuner is also referred to as a receiver, decoder and even a set-top box, and it is usual for the HDTV tuner to receive signals in ATSC format which are decoded in HDTV signals so that they are fit to be displayed on a HDTV screen, and it also means that the HDTV tuner will provide your HDTV with aspect ratio of 16:9 as well as picture quality in the range between 720p to 1080i.

In addition, it is also normal that the HDTV tuner is able to receive all HDTV signals which include cable and satellite as well as over-the-air (OTA) broadcasts, and it must also be suitable for receiving any kind of digital VHS recordings. In most instances, the HDTV tuner is used as an external box or it can even is integrated with the HDTV itself and even with a HDTV receiver, and it is generally connected between the television and the antenna. However, should you buy a HDTV that already has a HDTV tuner, then there is no need to use an external HDTV tuner for receiving regular cable channels.

The HDTV tuner is also very handy should you need to view HDTV programs as it can perform the necessary conversion for use even when using an analog television as well as with digital televisions. These tuners are readily available though they come in different prices while an average one would cost you between hundred and four hundred dollars, though the price really will vary from one maker to the other. And, some of the leading makers of such tuners include Sharp and Panasonic, Mitsubishi and Thomson as well as Samsung, and, in addition, it is also possible for you to get your HDTV tuner from any local dealer as too from online stores.

Finally, you can expect different HDTV tuners to come with various features meant to suit different user needs including having program guide displays for each and every channel, self-guided setup as well as interactive program guides. Some of these tuners even come with a hard drive which can record standard TV programs - both digital as well as HDTV, and the many features available in these tuners make it possible for you to enjoy a true home theater experience.

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